Home Remedies for Acidity
- 1. Bananas : Banana is a low-acid fruit that neutralizes stomach acid by coating an irritated esophageal lining. They are alkaline in nature and are also rich in fiber that helps in digestion.
- 2. Tulsi (Basil) : Chewing 4-5 Tulsi leaves or having light Tulsi tea can give immediate relief from acidity.
- 3. Cold Milk : Cold milk is one of the simple remedy to combat acidity. Drinking a glass of cold fat free milk without any additives, neutralises any kind of acid formation in the stomach and prevents acid reflux.
- 4. Saunf (Fennel seeds) : Chewing few fennel seeds will help you get relief from acidity by soothing acid refluxes & helps in digestion as it adds fiber to your diet.
- 5. Jeera (Cumin) : Jeera water helps in getting rid of acidity and bloating thereby providing relief from indigestion.
- 6. Clove : Chewing 2-3 cloves can give you instant relief from acidity. It soothes inflammation, prevents acid reflux and improves digestion.
- 7. Elaichi (Cardamom) : Cardamom is believed to be one food that balances all three doshas – kapha, pitta and vata. It helps in reducing acidity by stimulating digestion and relieving stomach spasms.
- 8. Pudina (Mint) : Eating a few pudina leaves can help in getting relief from acidity as it soothers acid reflux problems and helps in the digestion of food.